var widgets = { addToCart: function(shop_id, product_id, price, obj) {//{{{ var amount = 1; product_id = Number(product_id); price = Number(price); // Get price dynamically $.post('/my/s3/export/shop/product.php', { 'mode' : 'json', 'action' : 'get-product', 'shop_id' : shop_id, 'product_id' : product_id }, function (data) {//{{{ if (data && data.product_price != undefined) { price = Number(data.product_price); }; var result = true, amount_limit = amount; /* If window._shop.products.PRODUCT_ID.amount is set, then we must limit * amount to that value */ var has_amount_limit = (data.product_amount_limit == '1' ? true : false); if (has_amount_limit) { amount_limit = Number(data.product_amount); if (amount_limit < amount) { amount = amount_limit; } }; // Input is valid? if (!isNaN(shop_id)&&(shop_id>0) && !isNaN(product_id) && (product_id>0) &&!isNaN(price)&&!isNaN(amount)&&(amount>0)) { // Temporary variables var cart_new = "", cart_item_split, found = false, total_amount = 0, ta, e; // Read cookies var total = readCookie('CART_TOTAL_'+shop_id); var cart = unescape(readCookie('CART_'+shop_id)); // Split cart cookie into product_id=amount chunks var cart_split = cart.split(';'); // Ensure total is of number data type if (isNaN(total)) total = Number(total); // Loop though cart item chunks for (var i=0; i < cart_split.length; i++){ // Split into product_id, amount cart_item_split = cart_split[i].split("="); // Valid? if (cart_item_split.length == 2){ if (!found && cart_item_split[0] == product_id) { if (! (has_amount_limit && cart_item_split[1] >= amount_limit)) total = Number(total) + price * amount; ta = amount + Number(cart_item_split[1]); if (has_amount_limit && ta > amount_limit) { ta = amount_limit; result = false; widgets.msg(window._s3Lang['JS_SHOP_PRODUCT_AMOUNT_TOTAL'] + ': ' + amount_limit, obj); } found = true; if (cart_new!="") cart_new = cart_new + ";"; cart_new = cart_new + product_id + "=" + ta; // Update total amount total_amount += ta; } else { // This is another product_id. So keep it w/out modifications if (cart_new!="") cart_new = cart_new + ";"; cart_new = cart_new + cart_item_split[0] + "=" + cart_item_split[1]; // Update total amount total_amount += Number(cart_item_split[1]); } } // ## if valid chunk } // ## for // The product_id is not found in the cart if (!found) { if (cart_new!="") cart_new = cart_new + ";"; cart_new = cart_new + product_id + "=" + amount; total = Number(total) + price * amount; // Update total amount total_amount += amount; } // Round total price total = Math.round(total*100)/100; // Write cookies createCookie('CART_'+shop_id,cart_new,10); createCookie('CART_TOTAL_'+shop_id,total,10); createCookie('CART_TOTAL_AMOUNT_'+shop_id,total_amount,10); // Update DOM nodes e = document.getElementById('cart_total'); if (e) e.innerHTML = total; e = document.getElementById('cart_total_amount'); if (e) e.innerHTML = total_amount; if (result) widgets.msg(window._s3Lang['JS_ADDED'], obj); return true; } },//}}} 'json' ); return false; },//}}} formatPrice : function(str, ts, dot) { if (typeof str!='string') str = String(str); if (ts == null) ts = ' '; if (dot == null) dot = '.'; if (dot != '.') str = str.replace('.', dot); var parts = str.split(dot), res = [], i; if (parts[0].length >= 4) { for (i = (parts[0].length - 1), j=1; i>=0; --i, ++j) { res.unshift(parts[0].charAt(i)); if (j % 3 == 0 && i>0) res.unshift(ts); } return res.join('') + (parts[1] ? dot + parts[1] : ''); } return str; }, addOnloadEvent : function (func) { var oldonload = window.onload; if (typeof window.onload != 'function') { window.onload = func; } else { window.onload = function() { if (oldonload) { oldonload(); } func(); } } }, msg: function(text, obj) { if (!obj) return; var pos = findPos(obj); var d = document.createElement("DIV"); if (d) { = 'absolute'; d.innerHTML = text; = 'block'; d.className = 'added-to-cart'; = (pos.x+obj.offsetWidth) + 'px'; = (pos.y+obj.offsetHeight) + 'px'; document.body.appendChild(d); window.setTimeout(function() { if (d && d.parentNode) d.parentNode.removeChild(d); delete d; }, 1500); } } }; function findPos(obj) { var result = {x:0, y:0}; if (obj.offsetParent) { while (obj.offsetParent) { result.y += obj.offsetTop; result.x += obj.offsetLeft; obj = obj.offsetParent; } } else { if (obj.x) result.x += obj.x; if (obj.y) result.y += obj.y; } return result; } // vim: noet fdm=marker